Advice and information on all legal and personal matters, such as separation, divorce, child custody, concubinage, marriage, immigration law, inheritance law, maternity leave, tenancy law, labour legislation, contract law, criminal law etc.
During the opening hours you can call our telephone service to arrange an appointment. The telephone consultant notes down your concern/request, gives you some first information or transfers you to a more suitable information centre.
An experienced lawyer/attorney provides advice during one hour. We offer only initial counselling and aim to encourage women to advocate their own interests. The objective of an appointment is to clarify the initial situation, explore the challenges, discuss possible responses and develop potential solutions. In addition, addresses of organisations providing further services (like lawyers, other information centres etc.) are made available if necessary. We treat all your data/information confidentially.
Target audience
We offer our service to all (and only) women.
In addition to German we can offer counselling in French, Italian and English. If advice is needed in a language other than those mentioned above, you may bring along a person who can act as an interpreter.
Counselling is free of charge but donations are always welcome (Post Finance account no. 30-10769-6)
To make an appointment and for further information please call us during the opening hours: 031 311 17 95
Appointments can only be made by telephone. In case you have to cancel an appointment on short notice, please send us an e-mail:
Cancellations and time shiftings lead to complications and extend the waiting time. If clients don't cancel their appointment 48h in advance, a processing fee of CHF 40 will be charged.
For general information, requests addressing the executive board, information material please send us an e-mail:
Infra Bern
Flurstrasse 26b
3014 Bern
031 311 17 95
Counselling takes place at Wylerhuus.
How to find us on Google Maps.
Bus number 20, direction "Wankdorf Bahnhof". Busstop "Wyleregg". No parking in front of Wylerhuus. Blue zone in the neighborhood.
Opening hours
Tue 6 pm–8 pm
Thu 9 am–11 am
Sat 10 am–12 am
Closed times 2025
Thursday, 6th February
Tuesday, 25th February
Saturday, 19th April
Saturday, 17th May
Thursday, 29th May
Saturday, 31st May
Saturday, 7th June
Saturday, 2nd August
Tuesday, 26th August
Saturday, 15th November
Saturday, 20th December
Tuesday, 23th December
Thursday, 25th December
Saturday, 27th December
Tuesday, 30th December
Closed times 2026
Thursday, 1st January
Saturday, 3th January
About Infra
The information centre Infra emerged from the feminist movement in 1974. The female counsellors at Infra Bern have provided information and advice for women ever since.
Basic idea
Infra Bern aims to help women to help themselves. Thereby, we contribute to gender mainstreaming.
Our information centre offers initial counselling regarding legal and related personal matters. We aim to encourage women to advocate their own interests. We set value on imparting knowledge in an understandable manner and to develop potential solutions together with our clients.
We consider combating any form of discrimination against women an issue of particular importance and we represent female interests.
We collaborate with several lawyers/attorneys and organisations, active in areas of relevance for gender mainstreaming or counselling. Infra Bern is part of the cantonal professional body for gender mainstreaming.
Infra Bern is an association of approximately 20 female lawyers/attorneys and law students who run the organisation democratically (grassroots democracy). Periodic internal training guarantees that we work according to the latest knowledge.
Rückmeldung nach Beratung
Links to other information centres, organisations and the like.
We are happy to provide you with further addresses by telephone.
Women (generell) Website for womens’ projects in Switzerland
Employment and further education
FRAW Women Employment Further Training
Immigration law
frabina Information centre for women and binational couples
Budget advice given by the Bern Women’s Centre
Information Centre: Association for Debt Settlement
Information Centre: Bern Victim Assistance
Assistance for victims of sexual violence
Gender mainstreaming
City of Bern professional body for gender mainstreaming
Canton of Bern professional body for gender mainstreaming
Swiss government office for gender mainstreaming
Psychological Assistance
Association of psychologists in Bern
UPD University Psychiatric Services
Die Dargebotene Hand
Pro Mente Sana
Legal advice in general